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CK Goldiing __ Tom_Trevatt_Photography_CK_HS24_final-19.jpg



- Red Bull

"CK Goldiing is brilliant. Wonderful. Intriguing. A great documentary-maker. Everyone should keep an eye on him."

- Mark Carnochan , What The Flick

"Fantastic. Inventive. Infectious. A filmmaker destined for success."

- Jakob Lewis Barnes, Jumpcut Online 

"CK Goldiing is a powerful, uplifting filmmaker."

- Benji Hollis, Documentary Weekly 

For reasons I'm yet to pinpoint, psychology and human behaviour have always fascinated me — inspiring me to produce innovative, unscripted stories that explore spontaneous interactions between strangers.

Through these stories, I want you to be moved by people. Awed by people. Surprised by people.

Feel free to rejoice, recoil, wince and smile, too.

Watch one of my short films.


Watch one of my documentaries.


Can I tempt you to a social experiment?


I produce high-stakes challenges & web series, too.


I'm grateful to have won two national awards, been screened in Europe's biggest documentary festival and been a special guest speaker at a thriving U.S film festival for mobile phone filmmakers.


Thank you to the BBCRed Bull, Huff Post, Creative Boom and all you other kind publishers that have championed me over the years. Discussing my social experiments on TV and writing for the UK's biggest newspaper were equally majestic pitstops I've appreciated along the way.

I must admit, I wasn't expecting impeccably-written acting roles like this to come my way, but when they did, in 2023, I put my tea down and got to work trying to figure out what "good acting" is. 

Despite all the above, ultimately, I'm just a guy who loves nature, jazz, tea and every lemon-based dessert in existence. 

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